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    Aspiring to welcome, to protect, to promote and to

    integrate a refugee family into Our Community

  • About Us

    We are a voluntary group formed by members of the three Lune Valley Catholic parishes who, together with other like-minded and committed supporters, have decided to take on the challenging role of welcoming and supporting a refugee family in our community.


    Our Government works closely with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to identify vulnerable refugees in need of resettlement and whose particular needs can only be met in countries like the UK.

    Immigrants among us thus bring a richness that we are bound to embrace, for their sake and our own.
    Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity

  • Community Sponsorship

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    The Community Sponsorship scheme

    The scheme is a ground-breaking development for the resettlement of refugee families in the UK. It enables community groups such as ours to become directly involved in supporting the resettlement of refugees fleeing conflict and in need of protection. It encourages innovation in resettlement that has the potential to promote positive outcomes, both for refugee families and local communities.

    (photo left: Xinhua/Pan Chaoyue)

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    What does a community sponsor do?

    If granted community sponsorship status, we will be allocated a family fleeing conflict, and it will be our responsibility to support the resettled family from the moment of arrival in the UK. This will include:

    • meeting the family at the airport;
    • providing a warm welcome and cultural orientation;
    • providing housing;
    • identifying suitable school places;
    • supporting access to medical and social services;
    • English language tuition; and
    • support towards employment and self-sufficiency.

    (photo right: © IOM 2014)

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      In addition, we will be required to demonstrate that we have a minimum of £9,000. This is to ensure that we have sufficient funding to help fast track the family’s resettlement, whilst allowing for all eventualities.

      (photo left: James Gordon)


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    • Contact Us

      For further information and to offer help and/or support

      email us at info@lvrs.org.uk or use the form below